I guarantee this is on calendars. Probably “Был ск кролик.” Imagine this: it is December 27th, and you are on the beach enjoying a long weekend. You took off on Friday, December 24th, as did most of your office employees and IT Support staff. At 9:07 AM, you get a call from the one person still at your office. They cannot get into their files.

It’s Hacking Season And You’re The Target _ JM Addington

As the minutes tick by, it becomes clear that you are under an active attack, and all your files are locked up in a few more minutes. You call your IT support. You cannot get ahold of them—they are also at the beach. When you do track them down, they have also been hacked. Unfortunately, your security depends on someone who watches all the logs on your network. You need 911 Red Alarm Alerts that DETECT attackers and alert your security team.

Things to Do to Avoid Being the Next Hack Target

Change the date to July 5th of, 2021; this is exactly what happened. 1500 companies across the globe were ransomware at the same time. Holidays are the perfect time for an attack: office staff is out, and your cybersecurity team is down to a skeleton staff. People are more likely to click on links relevant to the holiday. (Black Friday Sale, Christmas Bonus!, Happy Hannukah…) Hackers know this. 

This holiday season, makes sure that you do not end up with coal in your network. Ask your IT department or outsourced IT how they will monitor your security over the holidays. Who can you contact that is not on vacation? Who is on call during an attack?

Download our Checklist, “7 Things to Avoid Being Hacked Over the Holidays,” to have a simple list of things you need to ensure that you know what to do if The Grinch finds you! 

P.S. Our clients on our security package already have the alerting set up in place – and  emergency phone numbers and cell phones numbers (if you DON’T have them, please call us TODAY)

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