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A staggering 95% of all cyber-attacks are successful due to human error. Hackers exploit weak points in a company’s security plan by targeting its employees; new threats appear frequently, so it’s essential that your staff knows how to respond to potential dangers. If they don’t receive regular training on cybersecurity protocol, your business is at risk–regardless of its size.

Your entire staff must be up-to-date with your company’s security procedures. They should receive comprehensive training upon hire, and then participate in yearly reminders or sessions to make sure that everyone is on the same page. To ensure this happens, you should host at least one security session each year.

Don’t know where to start with your cyber security training? Below are four essential topics you should cover with your team.

Responsibility For Company Data

Cybersecurity is important, and your employees need to know why. They need to understand why cybercriminals are interested in your company’s data and what they could do with it if they got ahold of it. It’s everyone on your team’s responsibility—legally and otherwise—to protect the privacy of your company’s information. When discussing this topic with them, make sure they know the consequences of falling victim to a cybersecurity threat.

Internet Usage

If your workplace does not have restrictions on the websites that can be accessed by employees, this is something you should investigate. By allowing unsafe sites to be viewed, your company’s confidential data could be jeopardized. To avoid any danger, install safe browsing software onto all devices used for work purposes.

Your employees should be aware of which websites are appropriate to use while on your company’s network, and that they shouldn’t have their personal accounts open. If an employee receives a link from an anonymous source or finds one on an unapproved website, they should avoid clicking it.


When employees are using e-mail for work, it’s crucial that they know which ones are safe to open. They shouldn’t reply to emails from unfamiliar senders, as it could be a cybercriminal trying to get into your company’s data. The only emails your workers should accept and open are the ones they’re expecting or come from addresses they recognize.

Protecting Their Computers

Your employees should take all necessary precautions to protect their work computers. This includes locking the computer whenever they step away, never leaving it in an unsecured location, and never sharing their login information with anyone.

It is crucial that everyone on your team is up-to-date on your company’s cyber security practices. If they are not, it could leave your business open to all sorts of cyber attacks that would damage your reputation with customers. You would also be out of compliance, and insurance companies may not cover any claims if your team does not participate in regular training.

The best way to maintain compliance and thwart cyber-attacks is by keeping your team up-to-date on your company’s security practices and ensuring they are taking active measures to improve it. If necessary, provide training so that everyone understands their role in protecting the organization—doing so will give customers more peace of mind when doing business with you.

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